Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Who should be responsible for brand strategy?

“Corporate conviction and commitment offer the key to excellence in brand management and these are things that can originate only at the highest level within a business, otherwise, like a thinly-rooted plant, good practice will be washed away by the first winter storm.”

>For several decades marketing was characterized by powerful web marketing Italia brand management systems that devolved marketing responsibility onto the shoulders of bright but young brand managers eager to make their mark quickly. They had substantial powers over the brand strategy, image and positioning.

> Brand responsibility is thus moving higher up the line in many companies. In some cases this means establishing a central strategic unit which oversees brand strategy globally while leaving tactical activities to the local markets.

>This is changing irrevocably as brand strategy becomes too fundamental a part of a companys worth to be left to a relatively self-contained marketing department. Marketing is now too complex a discipline and one with too many cross-functional implications for companies to seo milano entrust it entirely to junior managers.

>Even though the CEO is the guardian of brand strategy, ‘it is the collective power of individuals in an organization that provides and sustains competitive advantage. When all employees and not just senior managers are engaged with the organizations purpose, it enables the organization to adapt to changing circumstances, develop plans that are founded in organizational reality and deliver bottom line value.

>Brand strategy development must involve all levels of marketing management and stands a better chance of success when all other relevant internal departments and external agencies web marketing Piedmont are actively involved.

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